My mom just brought these over for me yesterday. I was already itching to get out into the garden but now I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to getting out there!
This year, blooming for the first time in my garden : bearded iris, astilbe, foxglove, moss pinks, sweet williams, daffodils
I have seeds for the flower pots that line my front steps and the hanging baskets on the porch and by the side door: four o'clocks, nasturtium, calendula, spanish flag
I'm starting an antique flower cutting garden from seed which includes: sweet peas, apricot sunflowers, zinnias, cleome, chinese forget me nots, tobacco, more columbine(I have suddenly become infatuated with these pretty little flowers!),canterbury bells

And my mom is going to help me move the hosta's from the back to the front under the apple tree and is bringing some of her overabbundance of small Rose of Sharon bushes to plant along the south side of the house.
I cannot wait to get out there and start gardening, now that the boy is a little older he can either play in the back yard or help me while we work. My guess is he'll want to help play in the dirt since he likes to help me do pretty much everything I will let him.
Like I said, I can't wait!! I'll share the garden's progress (and flowers) as time permits!