I adore hoffee and a nuffin sock monkeys! Each one is unique and the attention to detail, extraordinary! I'm anxiously awaiting for the one I'll just have to adopt for my little guy. Yes, I actually stalk her shop ....just kidding, but every new monkey or friend gets checked out as soon as it is listed and I'll know our sock monkey when I see it! Okay, it may not even be a monkey, Rebecca has made moose, rabbits and even a panda, but something tells me it will be a monkey. Rebecca is another crafty CafeMom. There are so many fabulously crafty moms I have had the pleasure of meeting in the CafeMom street team. Rebecca is one of my favorites! So,without further ado, meet Rebecca, in her own words:
My name is Rebecca, also Becky to my family and to anybody I've known until I was 17 years old. (I really don't mind whichever you choose... I'll respond!) Originally from Southern California I now live in Oregon with my husband to whom I have been married for 6 years. I'm 31 years old and a mommy of two boys. Having children has changed my life. They're a hand full at times, but they're amazing and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world (even on our worst day!) I love them! I've worked as a waitress for a couple of years and my last job was in Customer Service for a food distribution company. I was able to quit my job to stay home with my children and I have shops on Etsy to supplement my husband's income.
I have two shops on Etsy. 'hoffee and a nuffin' is my favorite and it holds many fun items for the sock monkey obsessed. Here you'll find genuine, real-for-sure sock monkeys (regular modern, vintage, and miniatures), photo greeting cards, pincushions, fabric coasters, ornaments, sometimes bunnies and other creatures, and... well, take a peek and see for yourself! I made my first sock monkey in February 2008 for my youngest son's 2nd birthday. The second was made for his brother. After a few I started getting requests for more and that's when I turned to Etsy. I'm not sure that I have "plans" for any of this, but for now I'm really enjoying what I do and thrive on the positive feedback of others to continue. It seems that as long as you're happy, I'm happy; and for as long as you're happy, I'll continue to do what I love. As much as I love the sock monkeys, I can't help but want to create other things as well. I'm definitely not limited!

So, I AM passionate about sock monkeys. My work is personal and I take them very seriously. I don't believe in "whipping one up" nor do I believe that one is finished until it's truly finished. No shortcuts are taken nor corners cut. It's important that each one have a personality of it's own. This actually happens naturally. It is very hard to duplicate a previously made monkey, and therefor I don't enjoy doing it. In my mind, if they all looked the same, you may as well have bought it at the store.

It's hard to say... besides my grandmother (with whom I'd LOVE to visit again!) I'd be terrified to meet: Jimmy Stewart, Walt Disney, George Harrison, and Betty White (I think she's great!) I'm sure we would have a very informal lunch so as to simply enjoy each others company.
I hope you have enjoyed getting to know Rebecca as much as I have! To learn more about her or her shops check out her blog, hoffeeandanuffin or visit her etsy shops, hoffee and a nuffin and Sweetest Little Things
Thanks Rebecca!