I finally made it to 200 Facebook Page followers (up to 203 now) so I am having a giveaway. Originally, I planned to giveaway a sculpture of Pooh and Piglet I was making especially for the giveaway but with classes and the garden gnome, I don't have enough time to dedicate to it being the cutest little sculpture that I know it can be.

So, I went through my treasure trove and decided to giveaway these three little birds. (It's pretty appropriate since yesterday was Audubon's birthday.) Plus, I've been mesmerized by the birds visiting my feeders lately.

So here are the rules.
Receive one entry for each of these actions:
- Like Busy Little Elf on Facebook
- Follow this blog (2 entries if you also follow on networked blogs) You can find both on the sidebar.
- Follow Busy Little Elf on Twitter
- Make bzlittlechristmaself a favorite etsy shop
- Make busylittleelf a favorite etsy shop
- Tweet about this contest (use #busylittleelf so it is easy to find)
- Share this blog entry(Facebook, blog,etc.)
- Like this blog post on the Facebook page
- Leave a comment on this blog entry of every above action you've taken. (please leave links in the comment where appropriate, ie. a blog post) If you leave each action as a new comment, I'll give you an additional entry for each additional comment. If you already follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger,etc. just remind me as a comment, they absolutely count as an entry!!
The contest will run from today, April 27, until next Wednesday, May 4.
The entries will be tallied up for each person, entered into a list randomizer and three winners will be chosen at random.org.
I'll announce winners names as a blog post and on the Busy Little Elf Facebook page. It will be the responsibility of each winner to contact me with their shipping addresses via a comment on the winner's blog post (all will be kept strictly confidential and not posted)
If I missed anything, please let me know and I'll address it ASAP.
Also, if you are reading this on the Hive, please visit my Blogger blog to post your actions so I don't miss any of your entries! Thank You!
And as for that Pooh and Piglet sculpture, we'll have a 'Christmas in July' giveaway! Details will be posted as we get closer to July :o)
Good Luck!
Oh, I'll get in on this. I already follow you here, on FB, and on Twitter. :) And I think I've got both of your shops favorited on Etsy, too.
I already LIKE you on Facebook! (More like LOVE! :D)
Now following this blog!
Already follow you on Twitter.
Already a favorite on Etsy.
Already a favorite shop on Etsy (BLE).
The other comment was for BLCE.
Posted on Facebook. :)
Liked the post on Facebook. :)
Posted on my blog
Posted at Facebook
Posted on my fan page at Facebook
I follow this blog
I follow through networked blogging
I have your Christmas shop as a fave at Etsy
I have your Busy Little Elf shop as a fave at Etsy
I am a follower of your page on FB
Do I get an entry for posting at the Hive?
Yes, Debbie! You absolutely get an entry for posting at the Hive (plus one for the comment/question :O)
I am so in love with your birds, so I like you on FB, follow here and in networked blogs, follow on Twitter, lke both your etsy shops, tweeted the giveaway, shared on FB, and liked this post on FB. Phew!
I follow you on Facebook!
I follow you on Networked Blogs! Thanks for this great opportunity! Your birds are so wonderful!
OK...I liked n Facebook... favorited the two shops and am now following!
I did all this because the birds are GREAT!!!
Whew! Liked you on FB
Following on Twitter.
Favorited your etsy Shop 1 and shop 2.
and shared on fb.
Love the birds!
I'm a follower and I have added both your Etsy stores as my favorites:)
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