
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Latest Pretties from My Garden

Deer do eat Chrysanthemums! These survived the hungry deer only because of the netting (which makes it a little difficult to deadhead but at least I have blossoms)

My little one and I planted these old marigold seeds very late in the season. I didn't think they would grow(they were about three years old) but we are actually getting flowers!


  1. So, so pretty! Once again - thanks for sharing the beauty of your world with all of us.

    BTW - I believe the Chrysanthemums are Dalias. :)

  2. Thanks! They really are mums, I get them from a nursery up here called Bluestone Perennials. These particular one's are called "bold Venture". I have another football mum called "homecoming" but the deer are finding that one particularly tasty.

    I do love dahlias but would have to pull the tubers every year in our area and the last time I tried growing them I ended up killing them(never got around to storing the tubers properly:() Mums are easy, just plant them and pinch them back early. Next year I protect them from the hungry deer!

  3. Lovely as usual! Disappointing to have to net up some of the blooms, but what else are you gonna do?

  4. I adore your garden. Those cone flowers are so gorgeous. Great shots.
