
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quick Photo of My Display Tree

This is my mini tree that travels to shows with me and I that I use when I need a quick greenery shot with the ornaments. Obviously, the ornaments were designed for a full sized tree(which has given me the idea of shrinking these down). At some point, I will have to crawl up in the attic and dig out the retired 6 foot tree (replaced two Christmases ago). You can never have too many Christmas trees up in your house especially in July[she says facetiously:o)]


  1. Christmas in July. What a good idea. Thanks for visiting Grampys Place.

  2. I love the tree...even in July, lol!!

  3. Great idea for photos!

  4. i seriously am saving for your ornaments for a tree this year. i haven't put up a tree for a long time, but these are just too cute to not purchase!
