
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our Day at the Zoo!

While daddy worked we went out and played with Auntie Pam! Here are the best shots.


  1. Great photos! I especially like the one of the pink flamingo.

  2. Ha, great pictures! Love the dino one. And a koala! I don't think I've ever seen one in person...

  3. Thanks! The Flamingo is one of my favorites too!

    The Koala just arrived from Paris. Our zoo has two other females that I've 'met' before but this was the first time on exhibit for this guy. He was petrified! He isn't used to English and, in conversation, the one zoo keeper asked me if I knew any French! I remember only small bits and pieces so unfortunately I was no help in calming the poor little fellow. She's going to look into Rosetta Stone for a crash course!

    Anyway, he was a dear little animal and the zoo keepers were very much concerned about his welfare (they were only allowing a limited number of visitors at a time and escorting any loud children/people out as not to scare him)so I hope he is able to adapt to his new surroundings quickly.

  4. Actually I liked the little guy going for a ride.

  5. Yeah, The boy on dino is my desktop. That's my cutie boy, just love him to pieces!
