
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In the Garden

The Columbine in the backyard is closer to blooming than that in the front yard

The Peony with an ant visitor. Sadly, I think I may have lost my tree peony.

I have to divide these and put them on the side of the house.
Again, these were here before us and need a little attention.

Salvia bud

Foxglove budding

Clematis getting closer

Bearded Iris
I am so impatient with these guys! They remind me of when I was little, I used to take armfuls of these to my teacher at the end of the school year. These are 2nd year transplants from my mom's garden so it's the first year for flowers. Grrrrrr.....bloom already!!!!

Frolic Sweet pea seedlings in their permanent home

Sadly, I can spell it better than say it, thank goodness considering this is a blog :o)

Four O'Clocks

We had a frost scare last night but all the tenders look like they weathered it pretty well.
The outdoor seedlings I covered with fancy fabric (I don't have a rogue sheet so I used old window coverings, looks like white crinkled silk:oD) so they are fine

1 comment:

  1. wow, these looks definitely have a green thumb.I wish I could also do some of this in the future.But I think,I should have to wish for an apartment with a backyard first.=)
