
Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday's Garden Update




Bleeding Heart

Labrador Violet (2nd Year)

Astilbe (2nd year)

Heuchera (Coral Bells)


Bleeding Heart


I thought this was a daffodil but this is mutant!
It almost looks like an Iris bud but I truly don't know what I planted.
Guess we'll find out soon enough (I always did like surprises!)
[ Edit: I spoke to my mom today and asked her if she remembered what she gave me last year and we think this may be a very full daffodil. She said it looks like a small carnation when in full bloom and has a different shape than the standard daffodil.
We shall see!]


Something (or someone) broke/attacked my Iris. They are poisonous so I don't know if an animal did this but I'm monitoring the situation (If I find a lazy postman is the cause of this I will be very nasty, I don't mind if they want to step over the gate but be careful of where you step)

Transcendentia (Spiderworts) with Bleeding Heart and Daylilies in background

Chives with Daffodil in background


Well the garden is in full swing. I can't wait until things start budding and blooming. While I enjoy watching these things grow, I understand that some of you may find it rather dull. To those of you, please be patient! In a few short weeks, we will have a bounty of blooms we can share. I have even more flowers in the backyard, including my Tree Peony(which hasn't shown too much growth yet), a Herbaceous Peony, yellow Daylilies, Phlox, Coneflowers, Hydrangea and so many others. I'm really not a patient person but I have learned to appreciate the beauty in the slow unfolding of my garden.


  1. I have a sign in my garden that says, "I don't remember planting this". You need that for your mutant plant! ;) And what kind of phlox is that?

  2. I do need that sign! I usually remember everything but after my son was born the sleep deprivation killed off those brain cells(LOL)

    The Phlox is a garden phlox called Lilac Time(I remember it's name because I liked a British band back in the 90s with the same name) It's a pretty, solid lavender color. I also have one in the back that is a vibrant deep pink. They are such pretty flowers.

  3. i enjoy your pics of your gardens. i am looking forward to see them in full bloom.
