Another new feature! I periodically check my hearts on etsy to see who's new. When I clicked on my last heart's shop, read her profile and looked at her work, I realized how so many of us are drawn to one another on something intrinsic and possibly inexplicable. We are such complicated beings and have so many nuances. I always wonder what it is about my art that draws people to it and yet when I look at someone else's work and find the same draw, I know it resonates with one aspect or another deep in my soul. That said, I hope to go through some of my favorite shops, write up a little questionaire and feature some of my willing Kindred's here. Who knows, if you are drawn to my art you may be drawn to their's too!
It's so true! Responding to art comes from deep within and when you find someone whose art you love and they love yours, something magic happens:) I also wanted to say thank you for the kind words on my blog last night. It made me smile to see how much support is out there when I know something just isn't right. Thank you very much!