
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Have the Best Customers in the Whole Entire!

My customer was so understanding with my infirmity! I'm still kinky, LOL<(:o)} But my back is getting better by the hour. I was able to get the order out and, because she was so patient and understanding, I sent a couple of boxes of crayons and 2 sets of bug coloring and activity sheets for her bug-loving son and nephew. I believe when you are upfront and honest with your customers they will respond with great compassion and understanding. Personally, I like to reward that in a person. It's a quality that should be encouraged and applauded. I worked as a manager in a retail setting for 20+ years and let me tell you, sometimes that quality was sorely lacking! Luckily, I have the best customers in the whole entire and I try to let them know that by the way I treat them.

And thank you to everyone who gave me some suggestions, I tried most of them and they did give me a little relief!


  1. I'm glad your back is getting better! That was very nice of you to send the extras to your customer and I'm sure will be much appreciated. I absolutely agree with being upfront and honest with customers too!

    Also, thank you for commenting on my blog today and I'm glad your 19 mo old likes my blog! It makes me happy to know that my pets bring a smile to his face!

  2. Glad to hear that you are feeling better! That's the wonderful part about the handmade community, usually everyone is very nice:)

  3. Glad to hear your feeling better :D
