Like I mentioned before, for some inexplicable reason my son sleeps with his bottom up in the air. I can't help but share, it still makes me smile!
I had a customer request a smaller version of my Fairy Dust Play Dough.
I liked it so much I am including it my shop.
Another new project is Gingerbread Cookie Wreaths. I started making the Snowflake Gingerbread Cookie ornaments for my Christmas shop. I was playing around with the snowflakes one day and designed this wreath. It's my prototype(and finished before I had perfected my ornament technique, I now dip my cookies in scented wax before I decorate them to make sure they are sealed). I have my snowflake wreath hanging in my kitchen.
I like these so much I'm expanding the cookie designs and making them for use throughout the year. I also hope to have single decorations and garlands. The scented wax smells fabulous but isn't so heavy it makes you sick! I use a scent called pumpkin spice for the fall and winter designs and have a cookie scent and vanilla scent I will use for the spring and summer motifs.New shapes include: hearts, butterflies, bees and dragonflies,stars, leaves, four-leaf clovers and Easter eggs.
I love this project because it bridges my loves of baking and creating (plus I can't eat the product!!)
I'll post them here as they start to take shape!
That is so cute that your son sleeps like that what a cutie pie! awww I love him! he's completely totally adorable!