Monday, June 9, 2008
Too Many Things!!
Well, I have way too many irons in the fire. I'm still trying to fine tune my studio space while taking photos to document the process, I'm painting the kitchen which has turned into a major project since this old house hasn't been loved on the way it should have been (ok, I'm the daughter of a contractor and my best friend has her own interior painting company, I have to do it right!! Lot's of patching and caulking!), I'm still perfecting the Christmas ornaments, I have started a bunch of papier mâché sculptures, I've started the planning process of 3 new series of prints, I still need to finish the packaging part of my toys for boys, I'm writing the companion booklet to my bug kits, I need to clean out my vegetable garden bed (which is overgrown with ivy and weeds!!DRATS!!), I need to get my vegetables planted and I need to mulch my flower bed. Oh, and then there's mowing the backyard and taking care of baby(which ALWAYS comes first , a good reason why everything else is moving so slowly!!) I've been working on both the studio and kitchen for about 3 weeks now, as soon as those are out of the way much more can be accomplished. It's way too hot here to worry about the garden (thank goodness! but that is changing soon) I'm hoping to get the hubby to mow the backyard but I've been asking him to trim the front hedges for over a week now so we'll see what happens there. All the other things I make a little progress here and a little progress there. I'm feeling frustrated because I have so many great ideas I want to share with everyone and I can't get them finished fast enough!! I love being a mommy but this is probably the hardest part for me because when I was a single woman I was able to spend all my time accomplishing MY goals. Now I spend most of my time making sure everyone's needs are being met. It's a learning curve, I've only been married 3 years and the baby has been here for almost a year so I'm sure I'll get my time management skills refined to suit my new life and my expanded responsibilities! If you don't see a post from me it's only because I'm working on my list!! Namaste!!