Friday, May 30, 2008
how to do whatever?
Okay so I'm going to start posting a how to whatever every so often. My first is going to be how to set up your home studio. Now keep in mind, I paint in gouache and watercolors, draw in pencil and ink and sculpt in paper and polymer clays (primarily) so my studio will be set up for those pursuits. Obviously, if you sew or work in some different media my studio hints may not be helpful but then again the organization of supplies might be useful. I guess you'll just have to check back! Other interesting topics: how to read your own astrological chart; how to make your bed look like the fabulous department store display; how to make Cantonese BBQ pork(yum) and whatever else strikes my fancy! Also, I am going to add a list of links to sites that I love that discuss boys and how they learn best. Okay, so off I go to take photos of my studio space. And, by the way, the first polymer clay ornaments are in progress and turning out so cute! Actually will have earrings and pendants, too!