
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Woo Hoo!!

Well, I managed to get my slide show feed to work. Not too difficult, but with a wee tot needing attention it's sometimes hard to focus on matters of an adult nature!! I've decided to focus my professional attention on creating toys, or rather costumes, for boys so they can make believe like girls sometimes do.
I don't know if anyone has ever noticed, but as a whole we don't really support a boy's creative nature, which in itself might be part of the problem our country has when it comes to innovative ideas. But I'm not going to preach. I simply want to make things for the parents of little boys who want an option beyond Star Wars and other mass marketed characters and the typical pirate/policeman/fireman/soldier costumes that you can find everywhere. I want to support a boy's sense of adventure and encourage his love of learning through creative make believe.
For now I'm going to go support my boy's need for a nap!!

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