
Friday, February 18, 2011


I have long been interested in how the energy behind things affects you. If you think about it astrology is the energy behind the planet patterns created on the day you were born. Numerology is the energy vibration of the numbers connected to you and the names you have reduced down to numbers. I believe it has to do with harmonics. I need to study harmonics more before I could add much more of a dialog to this than my opinion. All I know is that these things have felt accurate in my gut and while I don't understand them completely, I do have faith in that gut feeling.

Out of curiosity, I went to the Kabalarians website and plugged in my nickname, Elf, to see if it had any insight. This is what it said (my thoughts are in parenthesis) :

  • The name Elf gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary. (considering this name became attached to me because of my art, I would say pretty uncanny, however, this is part of my nature so perhaps I was drawn to the name because it resonated to my nature)
  • You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in. (So true, again my nature but perhaps this name helps me to stick with things at least until completion. Just don't make me recreate the same thing over and over, GAK!:o)

  • Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious..(again, my nature, I have turned my frustration from a lack of freedom into my impetus to do many creative things at home and even to go back to school)
  • You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships.(trying to find ways to avoid this, namely by creating things and going back to school)
  • Although the name Elf creates an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation. (I can't help it, I'm restless by nature, always busy, thus the full business name, I'm telling you it resonates:o)
If you are curious to see how your first name compares, you can go to the Kabalarian site and plug in your first name. They even offer a free name report right now if you need to know more! They even offer a free business name analysis.

While I find this all interesting I must add that I only use it as a way to learn more about myself. I believe that everyone has free will and therefore can choose to change the circumstances they are facing. These types of sites should be used as a tool, not a crutch. Remember, if you don't like what you read you can either choose to ignore it or, as I do, find a way to change it. :o)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Anniversary Busy Little Elf!

I totally missed *our* 5th anniversary! It was five years yesterday that I became joined with the name *Busy Little Elf*. For whatever reason, I have always felt like this business entity was a separate being and that I am married to it. As if the *elf* had it's own life, and in a way it does.

Wow! Have I grown as a person and an artist being linked to this name and this business. I've had ups and I've had downs. I have had quite a few struggles but I've also created some incredible pieces that I didn't realize I had in me!

I have met so many lovely and incredible people. I feel so honored and blessed to have been accepted and encouraged by all of you dear folks over the past five years. Thank You for your support and encouragement!

Here's to another 5 years!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Queen of Hearts

I have been a longtime fan of Alice in Wonderland. It has been a frequent subject in many of my works. Here is an old photo I found of myself as the Queen of Hearts.(my guess is that this is about 10 years old maybe slightly younger) I was originally going to be the Cheshire Cat for a British Festival on Larchmere Blvd. Needless to say, the boss(who was suppose to be Queen) couldn't do it for some reason and I got the role by default. My hair was all wrong for the queen but I had straightened it all out and pulled spiky portions to add to my cat look. Oh well, it's still kind of cute!(as far as the Queen of Hearts goes:o)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some Snow Advice

That's right, it's all my fault. I have been praying for snow. When I heard about this last system moving our way I picked up my praying. Let's be honest, as many residents will attest, snow is ALWAYS better than ice. That said, thanks to all who have thought that my prayers would have that much influence. If you think about it though, we humans have been messing with Mother Earth and me thinks she might be giving it back to us just a wee bit. It is winter after all and why shouldn't it snow?

So here are my tips to help you embrace the snow, cold and winter in general.

1.Dress appropriately- Don't leave the house in flip flops, a short sleeve T-shirt, miniskirt and a lightweight jacket and then complain you are cold. Of course you are, you ninny! IT'S WINTER! In the winter there is one rule of thumb for dressing: LAYER, LAYER, LAYER! Thin, warm layers are the best. When you get to work remove the outermost layers. You can even strip down to that t-shirt, miniskirt and flip flops if you so desire. Buy a good pair of snow boots, a nice 3/4 length down filled coat, warm gloves, hat or earmuffs and wool socks(or equivalent) then WEAR THEM. My goodness, if I have to hear my husband complain one more time about how cold it is I think I'll pull my hair out. It is winter and when you live North of the Mason-Dixon Line, it is bound to be chilly in the winter. Dress appropriately!

2. Learn to Drive in Inclement Weather- When the weather is frightening, so is everyone's driving. The reason some people are driving like ninnies is because the roads are crap. Just because you have 4 wheel drive does not mean you can drive on ice. I can't count how many times I have been passed by some driver who obviously thought he or she was a better driver than I was in snow and ice. I reduce my speed and I make it to my destination every time. And at my snail's pace, I pass those great drivers who knew how to drive in snow and ice, as they wait impatiently for the tow truck to get them out of the median, ditch, etc. If you see the snow plows moving slowly, it's a good indicator that the roads should probably be driven at that speed. Keep in mind, these plow drivers are out there every time it snows. They are out there in the worst of weather even when we aren't. Follow their lead and while you're at it take a winter driving course if you really need to be out there in the thick of it.

3. Just Say NO!- Unless you have a vital job that requires you to be at work when the snow and ice start flying, take a personal day. Don't risk life and limb for a company that doesn't have the common sense to close the office during the storm of the century. Your life is much more valuable than that job. Plus, most responsible employers would allow their employees to work from home so you wouldn't have to risk life and limb. Value yourself even if they won't. There are some jobs that this is not applicable for but, for the vast majority, it holds true. Besides, how much work will really get done if you are arriving 4 hours late and leaving 3 hours early?

4. Find a Winter Activity You Enjoy - When I was little, I loved going out in the snow, making snow angels, building snowmen. Then, for the longest time, I hated winter, until I went to Canada in the dead of winter. The difference between the Canadians I met and the American's I lived around was the Canadians seemed to make the best of winter, they embraced it, they celebrated it. The Americans complained, they moaned, they whined. Canadians will skate to work, American's will complain about how lousy the roads were. My advice, even if you find only one winter activity that you like, you will look forward to winter more than if you continue to complain about everything and only look at the negatives. Try snowshoeing, cross country skiing, down hill skiing, ice skating, sledding, hiking, hockey, ice fishing, snowman building, igloo building, ice sculpting, writing your name in the snow, ANYTHING that will get you out in the weather, enjoying it. And remember rule #1) Dress Appropriately!

5.Embrace the Challenge and Your Loved Ones- Winter weather can be challenging. You constantly need to clean the driveway, your car, take the dog out in drifts of snow, put the garbage on the curb but there is three feet of plowed snow where the can goes. It takes ten minutes just to layer up and as soon as you get out the door you are pummeled with bone chilling winds. Suck it up, try to figure out a new way of doing things, become a winter weather champion, challenge yourself to win over old man winter. Mind over matter. If I can survive hot, humid, miserable summers with rarely a complaint, surely everyone out there who loathes winter can develop a positive attitude. And what better way to pass the time on those cold nights but cuddling with your loved ones in front of a nice warm fire!

6. Take Full Advantage of all the Yummy Food and Drink you can enjoy in the Winter- That's right hot chocolate, coffee, stews, soups, grapefruit, clementines (anything heavier than you normally enjoy in the summer). Even if you gain a couple pounds, it'll be hidden under those layers. Plus, your metabolism has to work over time to keep you warm in the cold weather so it can use the extra calories!

7. Plan your Garden then Start Your own Seedlings.-This is a great activity for those who love gardening and being outside. There is something therapeutic about starting your own plants in the winter. The smell of the soil and watching the seedlings grow. If you have little ones, they will love to help plus you'll get a head start on that garden come spring. And, if you do veggies, you'll get to enjoy the fruits of your labor come summer!

8. Move- If you really hate the snow that much then move. That's right, I said it, MOVE! No one is forcing you to put up with miserable weather. If you live in an area where snow happens and you can't develop a positive or at least healthy attitude, then move. Find a climate you like and then create a plan to get yourself there. Life is too short to complain about the weather.

I probably could find more but these are the one's that came to mind. I hope someone may have received something from them, even if just a chuckle. Hunker down and try to enjoy the weather. It'll be summer before you know it!