
Thursday, July 30, 2009

At the Circus

I love animals and while I would expect anyone using animals in a performance of any kind to take exceptional care of them, you just don't know. These animals seemed well cared for but as I sat there(and also when I visit animals in the zoo), I feel sorry for them. I put myself in their position. Personally, I don't like to be in front of people and expected to perform. For 20+ years, I worked in retail and let me tell you, you are 'on' when on the sales floor. You are not permitted to be human and have an 'off' day. I find it distasteful but some people enjoy it and, looking through their filter, your perception changes.

My photos are perhaps not the best this time. A combo of the lighting, where we sat and having a little hot tamale boy sitting on my lap for most of the show explains that. They still tell the story. There is something about the colors, sounds and(especially with elephants involved) smells of the circus. I like to open my son to as many experiences in his life as possible. I would love to take him to Cirque du Soleil someday when he is older. In the meantime, I say a little prayer for the animals in yesterday's circus, and while we're at it, for all the performers(most pulled double and triple duty as concession people and crew)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Garden Walk

This sunflower was suppose to be apricot with a brown center
I'm highly disappointed!(at least the birds won't be)


Squash blossom

Baby Squash

My first tomato taking shape

Black-eyed Susan Vine
I love the variety of colors that these put out on just one vine!

My garden is getting to a quiet place! My daylilies are finishing up their colorful display. The Pandora's Box daylily will probably send more flowers up later in the season but the others are finished. The Four O'clocks are going strong as are the Nasturtium. A couple of the foxglove refuse to die but most of my flowers are resting for next year.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Globe Thistle

I believe this is my 'Black Beauty' lily that survived
(we'll know shortly!:o)

My Four O'clocks are putting on a show

This photo shows the actual color better

Black-eyed Susan Vine



"Lavender Time' Garden Phlox with 'Pink Surprise' Calendula


Art is the unceasing effort to compete with the beauty of flowers - and never succeeding.
Gian Carlo Menotti


Yes PJ, I have many flowers!
I think at the end of the growing season I'll recap them all.
It really is amazing considering I don't have that large of a yard!:o)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Elf Ornaments

Both of these little ladies are close to done but not quite finished yet.
The first one needs her elf shoes and a hair cut.
The second needs a little something on her dress, shoes or hat.
I'll post their 'portraits' when they are finished!

So, my bigger dilemma: What are their names? Any ideas?

Friday, July 24, 2009